
Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Cigarettes - Pleasure VS Pain

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Precious one.

Don't defile the temple of God.

YOU are the temple if God's Spirit lives in you.

The Lord would not have you in such bondage.

Cast your cares upon Him, for He cares for you.

Whom the Son sets free is free indeed.


God loves you!


That feeling.

Watching someone you love slowly kill themselves through an addiction.

Addictions steal from us. They steal our joy, our peace, our relationships, our future and our very lives. It's so painful to watch a loved one continually choose their vice over their health.

The doctors have said, "don't do it." Family has said, "don't do it." Their mind and body has said, "don't do it!"

Still, that habit... that desire... that demon... that rebellion... JUST WON'T QUIT.

When will you become sick and tired, of being sick and tired?

When will you cling to wisdom, knowledge and understanding instead of those strongholds in your mind that justify your bad choices?

When will you choose to break free from self-pity? Self-destruction? Selfish desire?

When will you allow someone to mentor you - to speak God's Word into you?

You CAN do it! You CAN stop your addictions!

The question is, "Are you WILLING to change direction?" "Are you willing to let go?" "Are you willing to shake loose from satan's grip?"

I've prayed for you. I've cried out to the Lord on your behalf for over 25 years. I know God heard my prayer. I know God has talked to you about this problem. He is always faithful. I've seen evidence - many times - of His offer to make a way of escape (for you to be free from this bondage).

But, you just won't cross that bridge. You just won't let go. You just won't open your heart and mind to the reality of how much your family loves you and wants to see you healthy and whole.

So today, I'll continue to pray. I'll continue to cry out. And, in the meantime, I'll continue to hurt for you.

Yes, your addiction hurts me! It hurts your entire family! 

We want you to be with us for a long time. We want you to be healthy. We want you to be whole! We want you to have JOY and PEACE and SELF-CONTROL. We want you to be free to talk with us, laugh with us, play with us, cry with us and worship with us... without that obstacle creating bitter poison that keeps "us all" in bondage.

I love you...

#RealTalk #FreeIndeed #Addictions #Cigarettes #Alcohol #Drugs #MotherInZion #Woman2Woman 

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