
Saturday, June 28, 2014

Speak Life!

Have you ever been hurt so deeply that death seemed more appealing than life?

Have you ever felt alone - even when you were around people?

Have you ever felt misunderstood, unappreciated, overlooked, insignificant, invisible or unimportant?

Have you ever been abandoned, abused mistreated, neglected, robbed or raped?

Do you ever feel that the nicer you are... the more people tend to take advantage of you?

Do you ever feel unworthy, unloved or unwanted?

Do the negative voices in your head constantly try to drown out the positive things in your life?

Do you have a secret fear?

Perhaps you've desperately sought after the tender affection of a family member whom you love and adore; but, their personal demons have kept them at a distance your entire life.

Did you miss having a bio-logical father or mother as part of your life?

Have alcohol or drugs ever threatened to destroy you or your family?

I have experienced or felt almost all of these things on a deep level at various times in my life. Without the Word of God to encourage me, the dysfunction and chaos of Satan's demise would have overwhelmed me many times over, for sure.

That is why I am so passionate about sharing God's love to the Strengthening of Families, the Encouraging of Faith and the Teaching of the Gospel of Christ. I know, first hand, how the spoken Word refreshes my soul and so I want to give... what I have been given!

Many times, God has used Christian television and Christian radio voices to minster to me in my weakness. When no one else saw my need, or felt compassion for my burdened heart, Christian media was the one - and only - human voice I could count on to encourage me with a strong Word from the Lord.

In Romans 10:17, God's Word says, "faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." I believe that through my own personal struggles God has empowered me to minister to others; and, He has called me to do it in the same ways that "I" was ministered to. Through media, conferences and even one-to-one mentoring, I am thrilled to share the saving, healing, comforting and life-changing wisdom of God's Word.

Choose Life Radio is a vehicle by which the Lord uses my gift to speak life into those who are in need of "hearing" encouragement from the Lord - through a human voice! After-all, we are His hands, His feet, and His voice to the world.

Through my non-profit called Deborah Ross Ministries, I am now producing and airing two different radio programs that teach Biblical principles for navigating toward the VICTORY! Through Choose Life and Choose Life Today, the Lord is Empowering You to Live in the Blessing!

In my one minute daily show called Choose Life Today, you'll be encouraged as I take one scripture verse and then explain how that verse can be applied to your life... "TODAY." It's like a daily mini Bible study!

In my fifteen minute weekly show called Choose Life, I host a more personal talk show with anointed Bible teaching, touching interviews and great music.  

The Lord has blessed Choose Life Radio tremendously by providing favor with major radio stations across the country. Plus, I've even been granted some television time for airing my daily mini Bible study devotions to a major US market! Still, the ongoing cost of production and air-time expansion is not cheap. 

The gospel is free but the tools needed to reach those hurting are not.

Would YOU partner with me in sharing faith, hope and love to those who desperately need to hear a human voice speak of God's blessings?  Like me, would you GIVE to someone else, the life-changing GOOD NEWS that you have been given?

You know, the enemy is hard at work through media, creating empty promises, crafty illusions and sinful lusts in the hearts and minds of humanity that lead to nowhere. We should be about our Father's business in taking back the precious real estate of all media outlets.

If you're thinking that there are already enough voices in Christian Media - think again! Some of your favorite media ministers are getting older. So, who will take their place? Not only that, every ministry that the Lord calls into action is just what "someone" needs.

Choose Life Radio has been called into action by the Lord! Will YOU stand with me and hold up my arms in the same way that Aaron and Hur held up the hands of Moses in Exodus 17:12? Your financial gift "is" Aaron and Hur to me! 

Your partnership will enable God's love to reach into the silent cry of millions of people who need a touch from the Lord - today!

And, even though - together - we'll be able to reach millions, I believe the Lord would have Choose Life Radio on the air for just ONE! Because EVERYONE is special in the eyes of the Lord!

Friend, this is how God changes homes, communities, cities, states and even a nation... ONE LIFE AT A TIME!

If you really believe that Families are Worth Saving... Hearts are Worth Healing... and, Souls are Worth Setting Free, MAKE A DONATION TODAY to support a radio outreach that EMPOWERS THOSE HURTING TO LIVE IN THE BLESSING!


I believe your gift will help keep a family together, rescue someone from suicide, help someone break free from addiction, heal a broken heart, encourage someones faith, empower someone to break free from poverty and... your gift will save a soul from eternal separation from God.

Thank you for taking ACTION now!  

Choose Life with Deborah Ross.
Instructions for using the Media Share Player:  
1) Click on the message that you want to listen to.  
2) Click on the picture.  
3) Click the arrow to listen.




Choose Life Radio is a donor-supported outreach ministry of Deborah Ross Ministries, Inc., and is only made possible by the financial giving of friends and partners like you. 

We are a 501c(3) non-profit ministry and all contributions may be tax deductible as allowed by law. 

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