
Friday, May 1, 2009

I AM...


Colorful, Majestic, Righteous, Creative, Loving, All-Knowing, Wonderful, Bright Light ... multi-faceted and beautiful human perceptions of the God of the universe! But what are the names that God has called Himself? Who does He say that He is?

I am reading a book by Marilyn Hickey entitled The Names of God and I thought you'd enjoy gleaning from my studies. (The ISBN number is 1-56441-014-5)

Remember, these names reveal God's character. He "is" who these names say that He is and He "does" what these names say that He does. This is a powerful study!

Meditate on the names of God and the meaning of each one. I pray you'll receive a new revelation of who God is and what He wants to be in YOUR LIFE. Enjoy!

ELOHIM = Total power and might. Complete sovereignty. Complete creativity. The God Who Makes Covenants.

JEHOVAH = The Revealing One.

EL SHADDAI = One who is more than enough. He who is all sufficient.

ADONAI = Master, Owner, Lord.

JEHOVAH JIREH = He who meets your needs.

JEHOVAH M'KADDESH = He who sanctifies.

JEHOVAH NISSI = Jehovah, my Banner.

JEHOVAH ROPHE = Jehovah Heals.

JEHOVAH SHALOM = Perfect Peace.

JEHOVAH TSIDKENU = Jehovah, my Righteousness.

JEHOVAH ROHI = Jehovah, my Shepherd.

JEHOVAH SHAMMAH = He is present and alive. Jehovah is here. Jehovah is there.

EL ELYON = The God Most High.

JEHOVAH TSEBAOTH = The Lord of Hosts.

JEHOVAH MAKKEH = The Lord, our Smiter. The one who chastens us.

JEHOVAH GMOLAH = The Lord of Recompenses.

JEHOVAH ELOHAY; EL-ELOHE-ISRAEL; JEHOVAH ELOHEENU = The Lord, my God. The personal God of Israel. The Lord, our God.

Yours in Christ,

Deborah Ross Ministries
Strengthening Families & Encouraging Women

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